Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Our Flight

We made it! We safely arrived to Santo Domingo! Lets be honest though...the flight was a little rough. We had to be at the DFW airport by no later than 3:30am...most of us slept only an hour or nothing at all! We were all so sleepy! From from DFW to Miami was a smooth flight we all had a chance to sleep...but from Miami to DR was a different story! Turbulence!!! We all were nauseated! But before we landed we were so surprised! I was sitting in the aisle seat and as I looked across from me there was a lady reading a little book...guess what it was? The Daily Text Book! As soon as I saw it I put my hand on the book and said "where are you from?!!!"---for those of you who know me I'm sure you know I was loud and all excited!--- the lady replied with the same excitement "Alabama sister and you?" And that's all it took!!! It was a total of 3 sisters sitting together who were also coming to DR to serve until after the memorial! They were traveling and staying in Santiago, which is a different town toward the north part of DR, that's the same town we will be at after the memorial therefore we all will make an effort to see each other before they leave. I love what the sister said after we met, "Jehovah always takes care of his people and helps us find each other where ever we're at!" So cute! 2 groups of sisters and brothers with same goals of serving in the DR and on the same flight! Puts a big smile on our faces! The sisters are Stephanie, Ausha, and Jaizhenia! Stephanie and Ausha have been here I believe 3 or 4 times already, and for Jay it's her 1st! They will be in the Santiago English Cong! The company we had on the flight did comfort us! Also there was a man sitting next to Ausha who was immediately interested in the conversation the sisters and us were having. The man mentioned that he knew a lot about witnesses because his daughter was one. He also said about co-workers who are witnesses as well and he spoke highly about them. Comes to show how Jehovah's Witnesses are everywhere and people see that!!! We can only hope that those people change their hearts and minds to become part of Jehovah's organization! In the picture the sister with yellow is Stephanie, with the orange top is Ausha, and the blue is Jaizhenia.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! u made it!! glad to see u not stuck in customs!!!! lol ... Daja & I love U!! be safe & be GOOD!!!
