Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday wash day!

So Mondays over here is a day off for all, service wise, so Mondays is the day we wash and clean! So wash day! But not a washing machine! By hand and air dry! And we all just chilling sitting around talking. Our conversations consist of how this trip so far has affected us!??! One week tomorrow already....we are already planning to return.... But for now washing clothes.... Can u see the socks laying to dry on the stairs? And the other shirts hanging up?
To our parents aren't y'all so proud of us!!!
To our friends and family....we enjoy our simple life....wifi comes and goes just like our electricity and water haha but we enjoy every bit of it. Elvira our neighbor came by to chit chat with us. Our neighbors are witnesses, the come by at least 3 times in one day and we sit and talk, make service plans, and what we love the most enjoy coffee together!


  1. Wash day!! Way different from home...Not so bad Back to the old fashion way. lol cool. glade you all hada good day off!!!

    1. Wow I wish you could've put a picture of Ariana washing her clothes by hand. I have to see it to believe it!!! Hahaha!!!

  2. Patty, you know what that means when you get home! :)
